Ask REOH about return to work, causation, appropriateness of treatment, impairment ratings, independent medical evaluations, pre-existing conditions, peer review, legal support, record reviews, and quick file reviews.
Ask REOH about return to work, causation, appropriateness of treatment, impairment ratings, independent medical evaluations, pre-existing conditions, peer review, legal support, record reviews, and quick file reviews.
Once an individual is considered to be at maximum medical improvement from an injury or occupational disease, an Impairment Rating (IR) may be requested. IRs are based on functional limitations and calculated according to the American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 6th Edition.
Independent Medical Evaluations (IMEs) for workers’ compensation and personal injury claims are examinations performed by a physician not involved in the injured person’s care for the purpose of clarifying medical and job issues. The IME may evaluate issues regarding causation, diagnosis, treatment, return to work, and impairment. IMEs are typically requested by workers’ compensation insurance companies, governmental agencies, or attorneys. IMEs involve review of medical records and other claim related information, an extensive visit, or telemedicine evaluation with the physician to determine relevant history, and a comprehensive report. In some cases, additional medical or environmental testing may be requested in order to address specific IME questions.
Dr. Schumpert holds a Master of Public Health with emphasis in Environmental and Occupational Health. He has twenty-five years of experience conducting human exposure assessments related to harmful chemical and physical hazards in the workplace, home, and environment.
The practice of Industrial Hygiene includes the identification and evaluation of workplace health hazards. Workers can be exposed to excess noise, dust, biological, and chemical hazards that can result in an injury and/or illnesses. When a REOH physician is involved in the review of an exposure claim and this type testing is deemed necessary, we coordinate with local Industrial Hygienists.
A Record Review (RR) involves a dictated thorough review of an individual’s medical records and other relevant information focusing on the disease development, injury mechanism, past medical and surgical history, prior diagnostic study results, and type of treatment the individual has received, along with outcomes of treatment. During a RR, the physician does not physically examine the individual. The physician provides answers to questions submitted by the party requesting the RR as part of a written report.
A Job Analysis Review is a summary of the duties and physical requirements of a job and is provided by a certified rehabilitation consultant. As part of the IME, REOH physicians may review specific job descriptions to determine whether the person can perform the requirements of the position. Specific work restrictions may also be recommended as part of this review.
An authoritative and knowledgeable medical expert witness can provide the insight and expertise necessary to successfully support litigation involving workers’ compensation and personal injury claims, toxicology issues, and occupational and environmental exposures. REOH physicians have extensive experience in providing medical expert services.
Workplace walk-throughs are valuable tools for hazard identification to prevent and mitigate workplace injuries or illnesses.