Ask REOH about return to work, causation, appropriateness of treatment, impairment ratings, independent medical evaluations, pre-existing conditions, peer review, legal support, record reviews, and quick file reviews.
Ask REOH about return to work, causation, appropriateness of treatment, impairment ratings, independent medical evaluations, pre-existing conditions, peer review, legal support, record reviews, and quick file reviews.
Telemedicine services offer flexibility and convenience for injured workers and those involved in their claim. These exams are available as phone calls as well as with the use of video conferencing technology. Virtual exams are facilitated by REOH staff through an easy to use platform and either take place at a physical therapist’s office or an individual’s home. Telemedicine services include a review of medical records, either a phone call or video conference between the REOH physician and the injured worker, and a report from the appointment. Potential benefits of telemedicine include access to medical care without traveling, more efficient medical evaluation and management, an audiovisual recording of the entire evaluation (if requested), and during the COVID-19 pandemic, reduced exposure to patients, medical staff and other individuals at a physical location.